Recycling old curtains: 8 creative projects to consider

Curtains are a furnishing item that has a very obvious influence on the appearance of any room, which is why we choose them carefully. And for the same reason, we can quickly become bored with them or they become discolored or damaged over time. When this moment arrives, we may chose to replace them with new curtains.
But what can we do with old curtains? Often, they are made of expensive fabric which is a real shame to throw away. For DIYers, fortunately, there are several recycling projects that can be undertaken with old curtains.
From old curtains to customized bags

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Robust curtains are perfect to be turned into useful bags, such as handy shopping bags. There are many tutorials online which show how to do this.
Rejuvenate old lampshades with curtain fabric

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Do you have a boring-looking lamp? Or perhaps you'd like to transform some vase, glass jar or demijohn into a lamp and need a nice lampshade? Well, you can use an old curtain to make the lampshade!
A tent to play in!

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As children, playing with tents was immense fun. With some old curtains and a few wooden supports, you can quickly have tents put up for your kid's next sleepover party!
Stitch-free cushions

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Still got some curtain fabric left over? Cut out a rectangular or square (to the size of the cushion to be covered), and with just a couple of knots, you can have a new cushion and change the entire look of a sofa!
... and floor cushions!

Using robust curtain fabric, why not make us some cushions, or poufs for the floor? The kids will love them - especially on movie night!
Repositioned curtains!
Instead of being used on the windows, you can move old curtains to be used to cover open shelves or create niches for storage!
A kitchen apron

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Kitchen aprons are usually made of fabrics that are very similar to curtain fabric. So, what better way to recycle old curtains?
Customized draft excluders

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A draft excluder does a lot to prevent drafts getting into the home and helps us keep down heating costs! Using old curtains, making customized draft excluders is very easy.

What project would you like to try to recycle your old curtains?