Are your towels and bathrobes always fresh-smelling? Here are some tips to ensure this is the case

When we use towels or bathrobes it is a fact that they get damp and start to smell. And this unpleasant smell can transfer itself to other clothes, fabrics and the inside of closets. So, how can we completely eliminate any type of bad smell and any residue from bath towels (and similar items)?
Let's explore the best way to wash and store bath towels with simple and practical DIY methods.
Why can towels and bathrobes smell bad despite washing them?

When we use towels, the sensation we want is to feel fresh and clean but sometime, this is not what happens. Many of us just can't get our towels perfectly clean. So, what can we do?
The first thing to do, after each use, is to prevent towels from remaining wet for too long and for the damp to soak into the fabric. It is best to air/dry them outside. In fact, the main cause of the bad smells emanating from towels, bathrobes, sheets and similar is linked to the accumulation of humidity which causes a proliferation of bacteria and mold - which in turn, create the unpleasant odors.
Besides hanging them outside to air and dry out, what else can we do?
How to prevent unpleasant smells developing...

To ensure that unpleasant odors do not impregnate our towels, it is very important to pay attention to the washing, drying and storage phases. First of all, when the time has come to wash your towels, you can try to eliminate the problem with a pre-wash using white wine vinegar or bicarbonate (baking soda). In both cases, half a cup of the product inserted into the washing machine before starting a wash will be sufficient.
Vinegar or baking soda: Prewashing with one of these two products (or with both), is one way to solve this problem. For both products, we advise you to put the product directly into the drum or the detergent tray. The whitening and cleaning action of these products will ensure that the bad smells will be eliminated. In the case of vinegar, it will also be an excellent fabric softener. Once the cycle has finished, do regular wash with the detergent you prefer.
Once this phase has been completed, hang the items outside if possible. If you use the dryer, make sure to first shake out each individual towel and then insert it into the drum: the drying phase will be quicker and will prevent the fabric from retaining damp.
Where to store clean towels?

Marco Verch Professional Photographer/Flickr
Another piece of advice is not to overuse commercial fabric softeners. Over-washing/over-dosing garments can, paradoxically, make the fabrics less soft.
Store washed items in a place that is well-ventilated. Placing clean towels in cabinets or cupboards that are rarely opened can cause mold to develop. Ideally, store in a closet that is open-faced.
These simple tips will prevent your towels developing a bad smell. Have you ever had this problem?