Don't know what to do with old plastic bags? You can recycle them in at least 5 useful ways

Plastic bags infest our ecosystems, and non-biodegradable ones are a real danger to them. But, with care and attention, they can be reused many, many times. In fact, sometimes it is preferable to use old-fashioned plastic bags.
Given their waterproofing properties, for example, plastic bags can be very useful around the home. Let's look at some use for them below:
Turn plastic bags into gift wrapping

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With a little creativity, a plastic bag can become wrapping for a gift. You can have fun decorating it however you like and it will be reusable countless times. Choose a pattern/design you like and get creating!
Plastic bags for the rain
The weather can be truly unpredictable, and sometimes a downpour catches us unprepared while we are away from home without a brolly. To avoid getting your non-waterproofed shoes soaked, it would be useful to have some plastic bags to hand (perhaps kept in your bag or backpack, or in the car).
All you have to do is slip them over your shoes and tie them around your ankles to stop your shoes getting wet. Be careful though: by doing this, you lose the grips of the soles, so this remedy is recommended only for short journeys.
Additionally, bigger plastic bags can help us protect backpacks, handbags, and can even be converted into rudimentary raincoats - at least to cover the shoulders; or maybe even one turn into a rain hat!
Plastic bags as gloves?
There are tutorials online showing how you can easily make gloves from plastic bags!
Put your hand into a plastic bag and grab any object you don't want to, or can't, touch with your naked hands. Then, turn the bag inside out so that everything you grabbed is now inside the bag. Now you no longer need to use disposable gloves!
Store paint brushes in plastic bags
Are you painting at home but need to take a break? To prevent the paint from hardening on the bristles of the paint brush, you can simply take a plastic bag, wrap it around the brush and then close it tightly with elastic bands or zip ties around the handle. This way, the bristles will not dry out.
Plastic bag knee protectors
How many times do you have to kneel on the ground when tending the garden? We usually wear work clothes that can get dirty, but why ruin them too much when we can protect them? So wrapping one or more bags around the knees will protect the clothing, and if we also make rudimentary "kneepads".

How do you prefer to recycle your plastic bags?