Small but fetching balcony: ideas for furnishing it while making the most of all the space

Every balcony can be much more than just a window to the outside of the house, even if it's small. Of course, those with large homes can furnish in truly extraordinary ways, but that doesn't mean that small ones can't become comfortable areas.
Depending on the use you want to make of it and the exposure and the space available, you can make lounges or dining areas welcoming and pleasant. So, they will become an indispensable extension of the home at all times of the year when you can spend time outdoors. Be inspired by the ideas below.
Lovely sitting areas on the balcony
Sometimes very little is enough: a few armchairs that are comfortable, without taking up all the space available, perhaps a carpet, some plants... And here an outdoor living room comes to place to be enjoyed.
Custom-made furniture
If you want to try some DIY projects, you can make some custom-made furniture to furnish the balcony, so as to exploit the space in an intelligent way.
Relax on the balcony
Sometimes the balconies are so narrow that it is infeasible to place a table and chairs on them, even if they are narrow and foldable ones. But that's not to say that you can't create a corner to relax in: with rugs and mattresses on the floor, cushions to recline on and perhaps plants on the railing, they become a relaxing space in the mild months.
There are also cases in which there is only space for a couple of chairs: then a support surface fixed to the wall or railing, perhaps even being foldable, becomes the table for breakfast or snacks, or for intimate dinners!
Sofas on the balcony
Especially when furnishing to measure, you can set up sofas or corner benches, with cushions to make these spaces truly fantastic.
Lights on the balcony
Not just ceiling lights and chandeliers: on the balcony you can also have fun with string lights, or perhaps lanterns and floor lamps, always making sure that the materials they are made of can withstand the elements.
Screen the railings for privacy on the balcony
Screening the railings, when you have buildings or crowded areas around you, is an inevitable measure to get privacy on the balcony, but it can also be transformed into an opportunity to decorate. Wattle fences, mats, narrow potted hedges made from bamboo or other similar types of plants, are all options to consider.
The hanging garden
The balcony is often the space where you let your green thumb show, and having a table and an armchair on which to sit and enjoy the results of plant care is essential.
Colorful balconies
You can really indulge yourself with carpets, cushions, blankets, possibly even curtains, to change the look of your balcony for every season.
And even the furniture, together with flowering plants, can give a nice touch to the entire outdoor living room.
The curtains on the balcony
When the sun is strong, a screen is also indispensable, and it is also an opportunity to decorate!
How do you dream of furnishing your balcony?