You can say goodbye to dust and dirt at home with this simple and inexpensive technique

by Mark Bennett

September 04, 2023

You can say goodbye to dust and dirt at home with this simple and inexpensive technique

The floors in our homes see a lot of traffic. Because of this, they get dirty very easily and require regular cleaning.

And dirty floors also lead to the spreading of dirt around the home - even in less-trafficked areas.

There are some tips we can use to make sure that the floor stays cleaner for longer, such as immediately removing dirt when it is deposited. We can also remove our shoes when we enter the house and invite our guests to do so too.

But is there anything we can do to improve cleanliness when we mop our floors? The answer is yes, and we describe this easy technique below.

A simple and cheap technique to say goodbye to dust and dirt

A simple and cheap technique to say goodbye to dust and dirt


Using a mop to wash the floors could lead to hygiene issues, since the water in which we rinse the mop is the same that we later use to wash the floor. So, is there a technique that allows us to solve this problem, without spending money on fancy products?

A foolproof method to effectively clean floors is simply to get some kitchen cloths and immerse them in a pre-prepared solution of water and detergent. Wrap a moistened cloth around the mop head and use it to go over all the floors in the house. Replace the cloth every time it gets dirty and wash it out with plenty of running water to clean it completely, while you continue cleaning with another clean cloth.


How to make this technique even easier and cheaper

How to make this technique even easier and cheaper


If you want to further simplify this chore, you can pour the water and detergent solution into a spray bottle and use it to moisten your clothes. Then, keep a bucket of clean water nearby, in which you will put the cloths as you use them. At the end of the operation, you can rinse your cloths all together and clean them thoroughly before drying them and preparing them for next time.

If you are fond of just using a mop, however, you can make this operation more hygienic by using two buckets: one for the water with detergent, one with just clean water for rinsing.

Thanks to these tips, your floors will always be clean.
