Nurseries recommend this fertilizer - it's the best and it's incredibly cheap

Whether you are a beginner or have an experienced green thumb, a long and prosperous life for your plants is never a certainty. In fact, there are many reasons that can lead to the yellowing of leaves or the withering of your plants. These range from being in the wrong spot, to the passage of air currents, from bad lighting conditions to poor or excessive irrigation - not to mention parasites too.
But before buying expensive plant products, think again. Sometimes our pantries already have everything needed to feed our plants in the best possible way and we can make a very useful DIY fertilizer cheaply.
The best fertilizer is incredibly cheap

You can easily make a 100% natural, cheap fertilizer by simply using an ingredient you probably already have in your pantry.
To do this, simply dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water and use it to water your plants. This remedy should be used once every 30 days and will help encourage flowering and the growth of new leaves to replace dead or dying ones.
And baking soda can be used for plants in other ways too.
A second method to make a great fertilizer cheaply

If your plants show signs of fungal and parasitic infestation, you can use baking soda to get rid of the "invasion". Since baking soda is a base, it raises the pH levels of the water making it more alkaline and an excellent remedy against fungi and parasites (which prefer a more acidic environment).
Simply put the mixture into a spray bottle, spray it on the leaves and all traces of fungi and parasites will disappear. Thanks to cheap baking soda, you can take great care of your plants.
Are you ready to give your plants a new, long life?!