Fold clothes using the Japanese method: save space in the closet and in your suitcase

by Mark Bennett

August 30, 2023

Fold clothes using the Japanese method: save space in the closet and in your suitcase

A challenge for everyone - packing a suitcase to travel with. Finding space for everything we would like to take, without exceeding the weight limit, is always a challenge. And also making room for everything we need, in an orderly manner, inside a closet can also be a headache.

However, there are some methods that help us store everything neatly and using the minimum of space. One of these is a Japanese method that has become famous on social media and is worth learning how to do.



The trick is to reduce any garment to a roll, which looks like a cylinder (or a cube, depending on the size and the fabric that garment is made of).

To start, you must position the garment on a flat, clear surface, such as a table or bed. Lay the garment on this, for example a shirt. Make sure you remove any creases by spreading the fabric out well with your hands, so you won't have any nasty surprises when you take the shirt out of the closet, drawer or suitcase.

Take the side edges of the garment and fold them towards the centre, first one and then the other: in this way you will get a rectangle, without the sleeves protruding. The trick, with any type of dress, is to take all the protruding parts and bring themtowards the center, so as to always obtain a regular shape, such as a rectangle for example. So, if there is a hood or drawstrings, or sleeves sticking out, fold these towards the center, spreading out the layers of fabric as much as possible so that it never ends up too thick.

At this point, you just need to start rolling from one end (the shorter) to the other, and you'll end up with a compact "cylinder". And you will see that when stored like this, there will be much more room availble. You can also first place these rolled-up garments into a container before placing the container in a closet.

Give this a try - you won't regret it!
