Amongst your spice jars, is one that works wonders on plants

Does a miracle product for plants exist? Well, amongst our spices in the kitchen, there is something that comes close: cinnamon. Indeed, this spice can be used to stimulate growth, fight off common plant diseases and even repel insect pests.

We often use cinnamon to flavor desserts, drinks and even savory dishes, thanks to its unmistakable taste and smell. But ground cinnamon can also be useful for plant care.
In particular,cinnamon has anti-fungal properties which have been studied and are well-known. On tomato plants, for example, solutions of water and cinnamon powder have shown greater growth rates and reduced fungal presence.
So, it's worth preparing some natural antifungal and growth stimulant using the cinnamon we have in pantry (especially if it had been open for a while and has lost its aroma). The method is really simple: mix two or three teaspoons of cinnamon powder in half a liter of hot water, then leave it to infuse for at least one night. Thereafter, filterthe infusion and spray it on the plants to be treated and the surrounding soil. It is best to do these operations early in the morning or in the late afternoon/evening.
Cinnamon is also an excellent repellent against some insects, such as ants. To be used in this way, just sprinkle cinnamon powder on the soil around the plants.
Have you ever used cinnamon on your plants?