Stains on mattresses, pillows and blankets? Remove them easily using these simple tips

Bed linen is one of the most difficult things to clean, mainly due to its large size and the difficulty of putting it in the washing machine. However, mattresses, pillows and blankets often get stained and there can be many causes for this. Coffee, fruit juice and sweat are the main causes of stains on our bed linen and these stains can be very difficult to remove.
There are numerous chemical products commercially available for this purpose, but fortunately many natural remedies can also help us to remove these stubborn stains.
Not to mention that commercial products also tend to turn our whites yellow and threadbare over time and use. So, let's explore a more natural method to do this stain-removing:

Depending on the type of stain, you will need to use a different methods:
- for example, for grease stains on duvets and blankets, you can use baking soda which, applied directly to the affected area, will effectively absorb the grease stain, facilitating its removal during the next wash.
- for yellowish sweat marks on blankets and pillows, it is best to go for white vinegar, which is capable not only of removing stains, but also of acting as an antibacterial agent.
- finally, if you need to restore the original brightness and whiteness to your fabrics, then the right remedy is hydrogen peroxide. We suggest below a very effective method for this purpose:
You need to combine the whitening action of hydrogen peroxide with the degreasing action of dishwashing liquid. Prepare a solution of these two ingredients by mixing 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 3 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid. When they are perfectly blended, apply them on the areas to be treated, leaving them to act until you see the stain starting to fade. Rub lightly, leaving the mixture to act for a few more minutes, then dab clean with a damp cloth.
And what about stains on the mattress? You can use a very simple tip: after removing the most visible stains with the most suitable remedy (described above), sprinkle the entire surface of the mattress with baking soda, leaving it on for 10 minutes. Then, remove the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner. This remedy will allow you to clean your mattress while eliminating germs, mold and excess humidity. Repeat on the other side of the mattress to complete the job.
For pillows and blankets, however, you can use lemon juice or white vinegar. Using lemon juice, immerse the items to be washed in a mixture of fresh lemon juice and warm water, leaving them to soak about an hour before doing a regular wash; using vinegar, add 100 ml of white vinegar directly to the softener dispensing tray - this will brighten your wash, leaving the fabrics feeling soft and fragrant.
How do you usually take care of your bed linen?