Bleach in the washing machine: how to use it to avoid damaging the laundry - 5 useful tips

Bleach, aka sodium hypochlorite, is a substance with strong oxidizing power, which makes it perfect for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and fabrics and also for removing stains and whitening laundry. But this makes bleach also highly corrosive and, if used repeatedly in excessive doses, can even damage steel. Let us also remember never to mix bleach with other substances such as ammonia or muriatic acid, because when they react, they release toxic compounds.
There are also delicate bleaches available in shops and which is a totally different product: these bleaches contain hydrogen peroxide, which is much more delicate on surfaces and fabrics, but should also be used with care.
So, can we use bleach in the washing machine without fear of ruining our laundry? Let's find out together:

First of all, it should be noted that it is preferable to use bleach in the pre-wash phase, to avoid prolonged contact with our garments. Pre-treatment by hand would be preferable, diluting the bleach in a basin of water and immersing the items to be cleaned for a few minutes. However, you can also put bleach into the washing machine and some models also have a special dispensing tray for this, identified with the abbreviation "CL". In other machines, you can simply use the prewash tray, usually denoted with the symbol "I". In all cases, bleach must never be placed in the same compartment as the detergent.
Try as much as possible to avoid direct contact of the bleach with the garments and, in the case of colored clothes, use the delicate bleach version.
After washing, avoid exposing your laundry to direct sunlight while drying, as fabrics treated with bleach tend to turn yellow over time.
You can also use bleach to sanitize your washing machine. Set an empty wash, pour a cup of bleach directly into the drum and do an empty wash at 40 degrees C. Alternatively, you can use white vinegar - 250 ml directly into the drum or the detergent compartment - and sodium bicarbonate - 150 grams in the detergent compartment.
How do you use bleach?