Banish dirt from your home forever with this method used by cleaning companies

by Mark Bennett

August 09, 2023

Banish dirt from your home forever with this method used by cleaning companies

Getting rid of dirt and grime completely is everyone's dream, but it often seems that the more we clean, the more dirt and grime builds up everywhere. Even if you have many commitments and little time, it is of fundamental importance to clean the house every day in order to avoid bigger problems developing later down the line.

Given this, it is important to find ways or tools that can help us speed up our cleaning chores. There is a method used by cleaning company experts that, without resorting to using too many tools or detergents, will help you tidy and clean up your home effortlessly and quickly. Let's find out what it is together:



To get rid of dust and dirt completely and quickly, you don't need expensive tools or detergents; you just need a broom, a towel and some pegs. Wrap the head of a broom with a towel and secure it in place with pegs. If you don't have a towel, you can use an old pillowcase, t-shirt, or pantyhose. Simple, right?

But you also need to use the right detergent. You can make this yourself with readily available ingredients for almost zero cost and quickly. Pour 350 ml water, 200 ml white vinegar and a measuring cup of laundry softener into a spray bottle. Shake thoroughly to mix all the ingredients properly and spray the mixture generously on the towel on the broom.

Using the broom, you can quickly sweep up dust, crumbs, hair and cobwebs from the floors, ceilings, walls and furniture. You can even use the broom to get to hard-to-reach spots, like under the beds and free-standing furniture. Keeping your home dust-free will now be child's play, for near-zero cost.

Keeping your home clean has never been so simple!
