The plastic bag method will help you solve the problem of a clogged toilet quickly

The bathroom is undoubtedly, together with the kitchen, the domestic environment that needs the most care to remain perfectly clean and sanitized. But despite regular cleaning and maintenance, unpleasant incidents can always occur that force us to take additional steps.
One of these possible "mishaps" is when the toilet gets blocked. And if we only have one toilet, this becomes an urgent problem to solve quickly. And sometimes, this problem can easily be solved by ourselves and without having to call out a plumber.
We explain below how to get a clogged toilet back into operation using just a plastic bag.

So why does the toilet get clogged in the first place? The most frequent cause is the (attempted) flushing of unsuitable products, such as sanitary napkins. But objects accidentally dropped into the bowl is another common cause. And, of course, a further cause can be a general system malfunction, such as low water pressure or a siphon which is too narrow.
There are two very effective DIY methods to solve this problem and both use the help of a simple plastic bag.
- The first method consists in wrapping the toilet brush in a plastic bag (or more than one if the blockage is stubborn). Then use the brush like a plunger to create pressures which should clear the blockage.
- A second very effective method is to get a plastic bag large enough to cover the top of your toilet. The bag should be clean and unperforated. Cover the top of your toilet using the bag. Secure in place with adhesive tape, forming a good seal. Test by placing a hand on the bag: if you hear air escaping, seal the gaps. When the bag is perfectly sealed,flush the toilet and you will notice that the bag will swell, creating pressure inside the bowl. By gently pressing all the way down, you should be able to dislodge the blockage with the pressure.
If these methods don't work on the first try, you will need to wait for the water to subside and cistern to refill before trying again (otherwise you could risk flooding the bathroom).
Which method would you chose?