Are your glasses emerging from the dishwasher looking cloudy? Try to solve this problem with some simple DIY methods

You may notice that when you open the dishwasher at the end of the washing cycle, the glasses, although clean, are cloudy. And even washing them by hand again might not have the desired effect. So, what can we do about this?
Depending on the reason why the glass is cloudy, there are a number of steps you can take. Read on to find out more:

In most cases, the cloudiness of glass is caused by limescale deposits on the surface left by the water. In fact, when limescale has built up in the dishwasher, or your local water is very hard, this cloudiness will appear. But there are some remedies that can help out here.
The first one to try uses vinegar. Vinegar has acetic acid which is gret for dissolving limescale deposits. You can try dipping a cloth in a small bowl of undiluted vinegar and then wiping it over the glass, rubbing gently. Alternatively, you can fill a bowl or basin with water and vinegar in equal part, and leave the glasses to soak in it for a couple of hours; then rub the surface of the glass with a cloth. To enhance this second method, you can do the following in the first phase: put hot water and dish soap into a second bowl, soaking the glasses in this for about ten minutes before moving on to the vinegar step.
If this method does not work, try using baking soda: create a paste with baking soda and water and spread it on glasses with the help of a clean cloth. Rub vigorously and then rinse off and dry immediately. This is a method "of last resort" as bicarbonate has a strong abrasive action which can cause micro-scratches in the glass.
It is important to always remember, whatever method you use, not to rub too hard.
If, on the other hand, limescale is not the cause of the problem, it is possible that the glasses have been damaged by the dishwasher, which has scratched them over time. If the scratches are not too deep, a magic eraser can be used to improve the condition of the glasses. Moisten a magic eraser and then pass/rub it over the glasses. Some even use very find steel wool under running water for more serious scratches. Professionals, however, warn that using abrasive products of any kind, can cause irrecoverable damage and that it is better to use products specifically made for polishing glass.