For shiny taps, just a piece of parchment paper will be sufficient

It's nice to walk into the bathroom and notice that the fixtures and fittings are clean and sparkling, the mirror is immaculate and even the taps are gleaming. But keeping the fixtures like this requires some effort. Indeed, it only takes a few splashes or drips of water (that dry out) to rob our fixtures of their metallic sheen.
Of course, we can always dry everything off thoroughly with a soft cloth immediately - but how realistic is this? But there is a way to inhibit the appearance of water stains on our metal fixtures. Read on to find out more:

Keeping our taps and other metal fittings sparkling is a time-consuming, never-ending chore. So, is there anything we can do to reduce the burden of this household chore?
Well, there is indeed a very easy and quick solution you can use and involves something you probably have in the kitchen: parchment paper (the lightly waxed or oiled paper that we use in the oven)! Take a piece of parchment paper and rub it on the metal of the taps: this will erase all stains and restore metal's sheen - and all without having to wash and dry anything! It is the slightly greasy film on the parchment paper that polishes the metal and waterproofs the surfaces.
Obviously, this method cannot remove caked-on limescale build-up, but it's the perfect way to spruce up the bathroom right before your guests arrive!
What are your favorite ways to keep your bathroom fixtures and fitting gleaming?