Traveling light: 10 items to leave out of your holiday luggage

by Mark Bennett

July 05, 2023

Traveling light: 10 items to leave out of your holiday luggage

Every year, you probably face the same question: what do I pack for the holidays? And every time, after the vacation, we also probably find that half of the objects we took with us were not needed or used.

When we travel by plane, this issue becomes even more acute: if we have chosen the travel-light option (ie. with hand luggage only), it is really challenging staying within the rules for size and weight.

This year, we will teach you how to travel light: here's a list of 10 items to immediately remove from your luggage.

1. Hair dryer

1. Hair dryer


These days, there are almost no hotels, guest houses, rentals or bed and breakfasts that do not have a hairdryer in their rooms. And you will certainly be able to find one even when camping or at a hostel. Leave the hairdryer at home, you will find a solution to dry your hair - even if it means having a dry shampoo.


2. Laundry detergent

2. Laundry detergent


Taking a small bottle of hand laundry detergent may seem like a good idea to avoid taking too many clothes. But let's be honest: how many times have you used it in the past? If you stain your favorite shirt, you can solve the problem with ordinary hand soap.

3. Tech

3. Tech


Are you really sure you need to take a mp3 player, a camera, a tablet and a laptop (or other tech)? Unless you are a professional photographer or you have to work on your holiday, all the tech you will need in your suitcase will be a phone charger. Your phone (a smartphone, of course) can do most things and just slips into your pocket.

4. Make-up case

4. Make-up case


During your holiday, you can give up making your make-up perfect for every occasion: reduce your cosmetics bag to a few essential products. And if you do have to attend a special occasion, it will be an opportunity for you to indulge in some cosmetics shopping.

5. Shampoo and shower gel

5. Shampoo and shower gel


Knowing that you can get clean is important, but shampoo and shower gel take up a lot of space in your suitcases. As with hairdryers, almost every holiday venue these days come with a welcome kit that also includes these products. And if you are on vacation in the middle of nowhere, you can still soap yourself down with a bar of soap. In shops, you will find solid soaps that are suitable for showering and washing hair. Minimum size, maximum yield.


6. Books

6. Books


Having something to read is a must under the sun umbrella, but you know how heavy books can be. If you don't want to give up the pleasure of reading, take an e-book reader with you: it weighs very little, takes up very little space, contains thousands of books and you can download new ones at any time. Of course, it might be nicer to have an actual book, but you can put up with your e-reader for a little while, no? And if this seems to contradict point 3, remember that your smartphone can also replace this device.

7. Shoes

7. Shoes


As you pack your suitcase, think about what you will actually do on holiday before loading in a stack of shoes. If you think about it, you will realize that you won't need more than 2 or 3 pairs.


8. Clothes

8. Clothes


Do the same for clothes (as you did for shoes): you're going on vacation, not moving permanently to a new country. For a few days, you can almost certainly give up wearing an evening dress and other fancy accoutrement. 

9. Guides and maps

9. Guides and maps


Treat these items like books and electronics/tech: they are very heavy and bulky and these days, an internet connection is available practically everywhere. You can use your smartphone to orient yourself and find valuable information about the places you are going to visit. And chances are you will find guides and maps at your destination anyway.


10. Just in case

10. Just in case


Being prepared for any eventuality is also essential when traveling, but you don't need to bring an entire pharmacy with you. Take the medicines that are essential and, chances are, you will easily find a pharmacy at your destination.

Which of these items will you leave at home this year?
