Courtesies for guests: 5 things people notice when they enter your home

by Mark Bennett

June 20, 2023

Courtesies for guests: 5 things people notice when they enter your home

How many times have you invited friends to dinner or organized a party for your children and, in the days and hours before the start of the event, you get caught up in the frenzy of cleaning? You find yourself rushing around like a mad thing, trying to make sure the state of your home does not create a bad impression.

But is this effort truly worth it? In fact, our aim should be focused on making our guests feel welcomed and appreciated.

To this end, experts have pointed out 5 things that can make a big difference when we are entertaining. Read on to find out more:



There are 5 things that experts believe are the first things guests notice when they enter someone's home, and two of them will almost certainly surprise you:

1. Clean towels: Clean towels for the bathroom and for drying hands at the kitchen sink are among the very first things guests notice. Everyone likes to use a clean bathroom and dry their hands on clean towels. For this reason, you must absolutely avoid leaving any dirty towels laying around. The next time you host someone, remember that you only need a few minutes to sort this out: some clean towels, a quick wipe over the bathroom fixtures and a scented candle will be enough to create the right atmosphere.
2. Full sinks: Emptying the sink after meals is the best way to keep the kitchen looking clean and tidy. It takes only a minute to load the dishwasher, but its impact is really huge on the overall look of the whole house. Who wants to know what you had for breakfast or lunch?
3. Piles of documents: stacks of documents attract attention, are distracting and look messy. Dedicate an area (away from where guests will "meander") for your piles of documents and other papers.
4. Atmosphere: it may seem surprising, but guests will notice the atmosphere in a room. A gloomy house with poor or over-bright lighting can be very off-putting for guests.
5. Nothing!: most people don't come into your home to judge you, but to spend quality time with and your kids. What matters most, therefore, is to welcome your guests with a smile on your face and to put them at ease chatting with them (perhaps over a coffee or tea).

In short, everyone has their own standards, which is why we cannot please everyone. But people don't come to your home to judge you and making your guests feel welcome is not all that difficult.
