Lucky houseplants: 10 species to grow in your home

by Mark Bennett

June 14, 2023

Lucky houseplants: 10 species to grow in your home

Decorating our homes with plants is a way for us to bring nature into our homes, and helps our overall well-being. Tradition has it that when you visit a friend or relative for the first time after them moving into a new home, you should bring an plant for them. And, in fact, some plant species are supposedly able to bring love, health, money and luck into the lives of their owners.

True or not, plants bring a positive vibe into our homes. But when in doubt, why not choose one of those species known for their supposed ability to attract good luck and prosperity? We list 10 of these below:

1. Jasmine

1. Jasmine


In addition to being perfect for giving our homes a natural, pleasant scent, jasmine has always been known as a lucky charm for romance. In fact, it seems that this plant is believed to be able to strengthen a couple's relationship. In the past, its flowers were burned to attract wealth; in the bedroom, burning jasmine flowers supposedly helps one to have prophetic dreams.


2. Jade tree

2. Jade tree


Jade is native to Africa and does not like humidity, so you need to pay attention when watering it. This plant is considered in Asia to be a very powerful lucky charm, capable of attracting good financial luck. In fact, its bright green leaves symbolize growth and renewal and look like coins (an obvious symbol of prosperity). For Feng Shui practioners, this plant will attract different energies depending on the position in which it is placed:

  • East - family harmony, health, success in projects and academic activities;
  • Southeast - luck and wealth;
  • North - creativity and luck with children;
  • Northwest - good luck for teachers, mentors, parents.

3. Rubber tree

3. Rubber tree


A plant belonging to the genus Ficus, the rubber tree is considered a lucky charm due to the rounded shape of its leaves, which supposedly attracts positive energies. This plant is also one of the easiest to grow.

4. Pilea

4. Pilea


Also known as the money plant due to the shape of its leaves (similar to coins), Pilea is believed to attract financial good fortune to the homes of those who grow it. To enhance its "magical" effect, it is recommended to bury a real coin near its roots.

5. Sage

5. Sage


Besides being a great spice to add to our dishes, sage is well known for its ability to ward off negative energies. In addition to growing it, you can dry the leaves and burn them in the rooms of your homes to "spiritually" purify them.


6. Zamioculcas

6. Zamioculcas


An evergreen plant that is easy to grow and perfect for indoor environments, Zamioculcas is also called the "dollar tree" and supposedly attracts money to one's home. There are many superstitions that have arisen around this wonderful plant, butfor sure, its bright green leaves will help you relax and will improve the quality of the air in your home!

7. Lucky bamboo

7. Lucky bamboo


And what about Lucky Bamboo? Another plant which is easy to raise, in the Chinese traditions, bamboo is often given as a gift to bring health, happiness and success.


8. Monstera deliciosa

8. Monstera deliciosa


The "Delicious Monster" plant is easy to grown indoors and can get quite big. This plant is supposedly able to protect the inhabitants as they sleep and imparts pleasant dreams.

9. Ficus ginseng

9. Ficus ginseng


The easiest bonsai to grow at home, Ficus ginseng in Indian culture is an auspicious symbol that attracts the benevolence of the gods. In addition to these mystical properties, this plant is certainly capable of purifying the air in a home.


10. Orchids

10. Orchids


We end on a high note with orchids: this plant deserves a place of honor in our homes, and the orchid was used in ancient times to prepare elixirs for love and eternal youth. Today, it is popular for its beauty, but it is also supposed to bring good luck - especially for those starting a new job.

Do you have any of these plants in your home?
