If a valuable garment has started to turn yellow, you can try out an age-old remedy

Sheets, tablecloths and more (including heirlooms like a wedding dress): these are precious garments which are usually made from white or light-colored cotton or linen (or some other high-value material). Unfortunately, however, over time - especially if stored for long periods - these garments and materials risk turning yellow and getting damaged.
However, we should not lose hope: in fact, we can try some age-old remedies to restore our yellowing garments and fabrics. Read on to find out more:

- White wine vinegar: we all know that vinegar can "whiten up" many stubborn stains. It is not recommended to use apple or rice vinegar (which have a yellowish color and can stain garments). Fill a large basin, or the bathtub with enough water to immerse the garment you intend to wash, and add a glass of vinegar for each liter of water used. Immerse the garment and leave it to soak for an hour or two; then wring outand place in a regular wash. As for the temperature, it is recommended not to exceed 40°C.
- Hydrogen peroxide or active oxygen-based detergents (even in powder form): with these, you can carry out a pre-wash phase similar to that for vinegar (see above). This is a more delicate method than the vinegar method, and so is more suitable for slightly older and more fragile fabrics. However, it is important to use cold water for the soaking phase. The quantity of hydrogen peroxide to use is one glass for every two liters of water used. For the active oxygen-based detergent, it is best to follow the instructions on the package.
- Lemon juice and salt: this is an age-old remedy. It consists of using fresh lemon juice, pouring it directly onto the fabric, then sprinkling the garment with salt, and rubbing it a little by hand delicately. Do not rinse out, but leave to dry in direct sunlight, spreading it out wide.
And what if there are stubborn stains? Well, bleach should not be used. If the prewash fails to remove stains, try using enzymatic detergents. These detergents are of vegetable origin, often with citric acid as an ingredient, and can give good results.
Ready to give your yellowed fabrics and garments a new lease on life?