Do you only have one hour to clean and tidy up your home? Try this method

It would be nice to always have the time, energy and drive to keep our homes pristine. But, more often than not, you have to force yourself to undertake household cleaning chores. There are some days when we would give anything not to have to go from room to room cleaning up everyone's mess.
That said, there is a good strategy to deal with this task efficiently: read on to find out more...
Storage baskets

Before starting to tidy up any room, arm yourself with a large basket (or perhaps a trolley, or even a robust, large shopping bag): use this to collect up everything that is laying around and/or in the wrong room.
If you have the time, put these picked-up items in their proper place (or have the "culprits" do it for you). Or just leave it and empty out these baskets later.
The beds, and more

We know that by just making the bed, the bedroom looks so much neater. This is also true for the blankets and pillows in the living room, or towels and bathrobes strewn around the bathroom. It's a great starting point for tidying up a room. Shake out the sheets, dust and move on.
Kitchen and bathroom

In the kitchen, piles of dishes that need to be washed and shelves full of items are almost always responsible for all the mess and dirt. If there is no time, don't worry about cleaning other rooms: concentrate on these (kitchen and bathroom) and you will already have made major progress.
In the bathroom, you can limit yourself to clearing the shelves and cleaning the toilet (the shower or the bathtub can wait a few more days). Change the towels and everything will quickly look much better.
Vacuum cleaner to the rescue

There's nothing like a powerful vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris from the floor. And in some cases, a good vacuuming is all that's really needed to make an area look cleaner and neater.
Quick washes

Warm water and a drop of dish soap (or Marseille): this is a "recipe" that works on practically any floor, helping to clean it and also giving off a pleasant scent. And don't worry about dusting: it can't be done properly if there's no time, and it's best done when you have the will and energy!
What's your favorite cleaning routine?