6 tips from organization professionals to ensure you always have a tidy home

by Mark Bennett

July 05, 2023

6 tips from organization professionals to ensure you always have a tidy home

In an ideal world everything that is useless, broken or has remained unused would magically disappear from our homes, leaving it always perfectly tidy and organized. In reality, unfortunately, the thankless task of periodically reorganizing the house must be done - and can be challenging.

We all know how difficult it is to throw away, for example, things we have never used. For this reason, we provide here 6 tips from home-care professionals that could help you out.



There are 6 things professionals recommend you get rid of immediately to get a tidier home:

  • Expired items: How many of us periodically check our pantries and closets, disposing of expired food, cosmetics or cleaning products? This is a great way to start a general reorganization operation, because it allows you to understand what you really need and what can be thrown out.
  • Items unused for at least a year: If you look through all your rooms and closets, you will certainly find some items that have been lying around unused for months or even years. These can be old clothes that we hope to wear again in the future, shoes that are uncomfortable, kitchen accessories that seemed (at the time) to be indispensible (but never got used). Don't you think it's time to get rid of these items to make more room?
  • Old or mismatched items: Whether it's clothing or plates and dishes, anything that is old, damaged or mismatched should be eliminated from your home immediately. Make room for something new, beautiful and functional.
  • Worthless items: If you have something that you believe is worthless and is just taking up space and gathering dust, get rid of it to make room for something you really like, want or need.
  • Gadgets and gifts: At conferences and promotional events, we can end up walking away with a lot of promotional and advertizing bits and bobs. It is best to put this tat directly in the trash - and before you even get home!
  • What's inside shows on the outside: It might seem to be psuedo-science, but if you feel chaotic and messy inside (mentally), then sorting out your home will be much more difficult. Sort yourself out internally first, and the home will follow!

Do you think these tips will work for you? Give them a try!
