Create a unique garden with these 8 species of giant flowers

If you are looking for a way to make your garden unique and special, consider getting giant plants/flowers. Large plants like this immediately become and focal point and make the environment look much more beautiful.
You will be able to amaze your family and guests with these majestic blooms, and which will attract a lot of attention. But which species can we easily grow at home (apart from the obvious sunflower)? We list 8 of these below:
1. Eremurus

Known as foxtail or giant steppe lily, this plant is ideal for adding an exotic touch to your garden without much effort. The plant is hardy, tolerates cold and even long periods of drought very well and is resistant to most plant diseases and parasites. Its majestic pink, orange, red or yellow spikes will stand out in your garden from spring and throughout the summer, reaching up to 50 cm in height. All you need to do is plant it in a sunny or semi-shaded area, protected from wind and drafts.
2. Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora

Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz/Wikimedia Commons
The hydrangea is one of the most loved flowers due to its beauty and variety of colors, ranging from white to blue and different shades of pink and purple. The giant variety produces truly majestic blooms, which can reach 35 cm in diameter and appear in early summer. The plant needs very little care, too. Place it in partial shade, so that it receives the sun in the morning, and water it regularly, especially in summer. You will love it.
3. Crinum

This bulbous plant is part of the Amaryllidaceae family and there are numerous varieties. It is not so easy to grow, but if you want to try, it will repay you with wonderful flowers starting in the summer. The flowers are large and lily-like, usually white or pinkish, in some bi-colored varieties. It can be grown in very large, deep pots or the open ground. Its poor resistance to cold makes it necessary to provide shelter for it in the winter. It thrives in the sun and in partial shade and the ideal exposure for it is in a sunny place during the evening hours of the day. Since many varieties are aquatic, the plant likes moist soils. It is not drought-resistant and abundant watering is necessary. By changing the soil every 3-4 years it will thrive for years.
4. Brugmansia arborea

Dinesh Valke from Thane, India/Wikimedia Commons
This tropical plant from South America has a wonderful white calyx flower, although there are varieties with pink or yellow flowers. The peculiarity of this plant is its heady scent it releases in the evening. The plant is relatively easy to grow on a terrace or in the garden, but bear in mind that it is toxic and care should be taken around children and pets. Place it in an spot with average sunshine exposure and sheltered from the wind - perhaps next to a wall to avoid drafts and excessively cold temperatures. If grown in pots, it prefers very large and deep containers.
5. Hibiscus moscautos

André ALLIOT/Wikimedia Commons
Known as the marsh hibiscus, this plant is a wonderful "ornament" for gardens and terraces even without its huge flowers, (which reach 5-10 cm in diameter, 15-30 in some hybrids). It has no particular requirements, thriving in full sun and partial shade and in any type of soil (provided it is moist). It also tolerates any temperature range very well (but will need protection from below-zero temperatures).
6. Myrtle Folly Dahlia

This is a beautiful ornamental plant with giant flowers up to 20 cm in diameter. It is perfect for growing in pots or in the open ground and will color your gardens or terraces with its splendid blooms from June to October. It prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas.
7. Pink Alcea (hollyhock)

The hollyhock is a superb perennial plant which grows up to 2 meters in height and whose showy blooms are borne on long stems between June and September. Being an almost wild plant, it does not require special care and is most suitable for those who want to enjoy the colorful beauty of its flowers without putting in much effort.
8. Allium giganteum

The giant garlic is a highly decorative, perennial herb growing up to 150cm high with large, round, purple flowers. Used as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens, it prefers sunny areas and well-draining soil.