Useful tips for washing duvets at home with the coming of the change of seasons

With the arrival of spring, the change of season means we also have to change our beds: duvets and heavy blankets/covers are in replaced by lighter blankets and sheets and these winter covers are stored away for next winter. Most often, we use a laundering service to wash heavy covers and duvets prior to storing them away.
But what if we wanted to wash these at home in order to save money? This can be done if the necessary precautions are used - both by hand and in the washing machine. Even goose or duck feather duvets - usually entrusted to professionals - can be effectively washed at home by following the right advice. We reveal below the steps to follow to wash duvets properly at home:

The first and thing to do to wash duvets at home is to read the washing instruction labels carefully. It is important to make sure that the duvet can be washed in a washing machine, for example. Double-bed duvets are usually too large to be put in the machine's drum and, if stuffed in, they could cause the washing machine to break down.
- Machine washing: in general, if the drum is large enough to accommodate a duvet, the washing cycle should be set at 30 degrees C, and with a double rinse and an energetic spin cycle to facilitate the subsequent drying process. Use non-aggressive detergents, preferably natural soaps - like Marseille soap and baking soda. For feather duvets, after washing them, it is advisable to dry them out horizontally, turning them several times on both sides to prevent the feathers from clumping. Synthetic duvets, on the other hand, can easily be dried on the washing line - but not in direct sunlight.
- Hand washing: in the case of hand washing, first proceed with the treatment of any stains with a delicate or natural stain remover; however, remember that it is always preferable to treat stains when they are still fresh and test the resistance of the fabric to the stain remover first. Immerse the duvet in a bathtub filled with warm water and a mixture of Marseille soap and baking soda in equal parts; if you want to add a pleasant scent on your duvet, you can add 3 or 4 drops of an essential oil of your choice. Leave the duvet to soak for at least an hour - preferably overnight - then rinse out thoroughly several times and hang up to air dry.
By following these tips, your duvets will always be clean and ready for the next cold snap!