8 super-creative ideas to make flowers using crumpled up paper

So much inspiration comes from the nature that surrounds us! The flowers and plants that we can see around us are always excellent inspiration for any creation we to make, including artistic projects with the children. And to evoke the beauty of our favorite flowers, we can use a myriad of different techniques, some of which are really simple and fun.
For example, we could take scraps of paper, crumple them up to creating balls (or some similar shape), and each of these can act like a piece of a mosaic to create three-dimensional works of art. They can be transformed into petals, pistils, stems, leaves... In less than no time, you can have your own hand-crafted flowers! Check out the ideas below!
Take a sheet of paper and leave it white or add some color if you want (using crayons or paint). The important thing is to have a clear idea about the shape that the flower will have to take: will it be just the corolla with the pistil, or the whole flower with its stem and leaves? And what flower will it be? What colour? How big?
If it helps you, first sketch an outline, showing the contours of each part of the flower that you will later fill up with crumpled paper balls of different colors. Then, get some glue and start gluing!
You can take inspiration from the features of some of the flowers you have at home or in the garden, but also from photos, paintings or something you found online. At the same time, nobody stops you from letting your imagination run wild, combining shapes and colors however you want to!
A much loved flower for this type of crafting project is the sunflower.
As for the type of paper, anything that you can crumple up easily should be fine. But thin sheets of paper are best (like tissue paper, for instance).
You can also combine different types of paper if you want to create something more detailed, like a vase with a bunch of flowers inside. And then you can also use crepe paper for the leaves, for example.
This technique can be used to decorate many items, like greeting cards, for example: there are a thousand opportunities for the use of creative cards like the ones you could make using crumpled paper balls.
Not only flowers, but also flowering branches, can be the subject of your paper-balls projects. White flowers like almond, yellow like forsythia, and more...
Wouldn't you like, for example, to recreate the beauty of cherry blossom petals like in this three-dimensional decoration? For this type of decoration, the best paper to use is tissue paper.
The features of certain flowers, in fact, are recreated very closely by using tissue paper. And you just have to crumple it up a little, perhaps using more than one shade or double-sheeting to make darker flowers.
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