Broken ceramics? Use the shards to decorate the whole house with amazing DIY mosaics

Tea, coffee or dish sets that are used every day or for important occasions, tiles, ceramic or porcelain vases and even pottery knick-knacks: these are all fragile objects which sometime break - and this can be very upsetting. But this doesn't mean that you have to say goodbye to them and throw them in the trash.
There are, in fact, a myriad of creative recycling projects that you can use broken pottery and porcelain for: from simple projects to more complex ones. To start with, you will need to reduce this pottery into small pieces which can then be used to create wonderful mosaics. Special tools can be used for this task, but, once done, it is just a matter of assembling and gluing the pieces together (with special putties). Here's a few ideas which might inspire you:
If you are thinking about how to rejuvenate the outside steps, a mosaic of this type is perfect for covering the riser of each step!
One of the most popular projects - and perfect for getting into this hobby - is to clad the outside of terracotta pots (or large, concrete ones): you can let your fancy fly using different combinations of shapes and colors!
Broken tiles and crockery will become something really beautiful again, to be enjoyed for years to come.
Nothing prevents you from combining pottery pieces with other materials, such as semi-precious gems, sea glass or shells (always pay attention to the law for collecting materials from the beach): you can create frames for pictures, mirrors, and more.
When it's precious, valuable porcelain that breaks, it's a shame to throw it away. Why not recycle it to decorate some piece of furniture in the house?
A colorful mosaic like this could also be the whimsical touch that decorates the surfaces of a bathroom, or a sink in the garden!
When you are more skilled and can create beautiful designs, this technique could make for a stunning kitchen backsplash.
And on the walls - even external ones - a small mosaic that has a cute shape will be an eye-catching decoration!
With a lot of patience, you could also decorate entire sections of your floors with mosaics - especially external surfaces.
And think about how beautiful exterior window frames can become when clad with mosaics.
Have you ever wanted a chandelier in the garden? Maybe making it with pieces of broken pottery and porcelain is one way you can do this!
Are you ready to make your first mosaic?