Succulents to decorate the house: 11 great ideas to make wonderful compositions and arrangements

Succulents are proudly displayed in homes, shops and nurseries around the world. And we also see them in offices and many public places: but why? They are plants with extraordinary characteristics, of course; they certainly have sensational shapes and colors... But above all, it is the ease of cultivation that drives many people to choose them to decorate their environments.
Additionally, succulents do not need a lot of soil. This means that we can plant them almost anywhere and so, lend themselves to creative arrangements. Take a look at the beautiful compositions shown below:
Plant succulents in glass jars, which you can then decorate with paint and/or by wrapping them in threads or twine of multiple colors. Always remember, however, that these plants do not like too much water and excessive humidity, so the containers must have proper drainage holes.
The success of compositions and arrangements of this type also depend on the plants chosen. For example, if you want to use lithops - which look like colored pebbles - they are especially attractive when several varieties are grouped together.
Among the most favored succulents for arrangements are echeverias, which look like roses. Often, they are placed in the center of an arrangement, and then other plants surround it.
You can also use various types of ground coverings: pebbles, colored stones, artificial gems and more!
Leave room for your imagination when choosing containers: old crockery or ceramics you have at home could work well.
If the arrangement you have in mind is a terrarium, succulent plants are a great choice.
Cups, glasses, and even goblets in semi-precious metals: you can decorate almost anything using succulent plants.
Not to mention jugs and carafes!
And if you have a broken vase somewhere, it will be perfect for a composition using succulents.
How about using lots of pots of different sizes - with succulent plants inside them - and arranged on the wall in a circle (or some other shape)?
And it wouldn't hurt to be able to hang a sumptuous wreath of succulents up somewhere!
Which idea do you like best?