Remove the smell of fried food from your clothes by using these tips

Fried food is the favorite of many and sometimes it's okay to have it - in moderation, of course. Amongst its cons (aside from health issues), there is the unpleasant smell it leaves after having fried a meal (or a part of a meal).
The surroundings, clothes and hair get impregnated with the smell of frying and this is difficult to eliminate. And if nothing is done to intervene, the smell can persist for days. There are, however, some steps that can be taken to make clothes smell fresh again without necessarily washing them.
Read on to find out more:

Prevention is better than cure and there are some steps you can take to this end:
- Always keep the stove extractor hood clean and, when needed, change/clean the filters;
- When frying, make sure, as far as possible, that the environment is well ventilated, opening all the windows to the outside, if you can;
- Close the doors to the other rooms to ensure that the smell remains confined to the kitchen;
- If you have coats, jackets and other accessories hanging up near the kitchen, move them to another room (and close the door).
- If you can, tie your hair back to protect it from the frying fumes.

If your clothes are impregnated with the smell of fried food and you don't have time to wash them, you still have a few alternatives:
- You can hang the garment on a hanger and steam it with a steam iron. The steam will help eliminate the smell.
- You can hang the garment outside to air with sprigs of rosemary, lavender or bay leaves attached to it.
- You can tumble dry your clothes and run them through a drying cycle with a bag of lavender or dried citrus peels inside.
These remedies are effective, however, sometimes more is needed and you have to wash the clothes. And since the smell of fried food can be very persistant, you need to take some steps when you wash your smelly clothes. The recommendation is to first soak the clothes in a solution of water and baking soda and white vinegar (or apple cider vinegar), before washing them.
Have you ever used any of these tips?