5 very easy ways to recycle corks in a useful and creative way

Anyone with a basic familiarity of DIY and creative projects knows that every cork can be a precious resource: it is, in fact, a common object capable of transforming itself into a myriad of other things - decorative, useful and nice. There is a vast array of projects you can do using corks.
Here, we outline some ways in which corks can become useful around the home. Check out the ideas below:

Floating keychain
Are you familiar with eyelet screws - the ones with the metal eyelet and the screw end that are used for many DIY jobs? Here, all you need to do is get one and insert it into one of the ends of any cork (even those for sparkling wine, not just the cylindrical ones for wines). Then add a ring that is used for key rings and you will have a keychain capable of floating on water!
You could, of course, also personalize the cork by painting it with nail polish or permanent markers!
DIY candles without using wax
Take a cork, place it inside a glass beaker, and then fill the glass with pure alcohol, until the cork is submerged. Leave the cork to soak for 24 hours, then take it out, put it in a candle holder and light (preferably with a long-necked lighter, so as not to burn yourself). It will burn for ages, just like a candle!
Elastic cable tie
Make a small hole that goes through the cork just below each of the ends. Insert an elastic band into these holes, then tie a knot on each end of the elastic band itself: you will have created a sort of buttonhole, closed by the cork. This is the clip you can wrap coiled cords around!
These are simple projects, which you can see in more detail in our video below and where you will also discover two other super-creative ways to reuse corks.