Garlic for your orchids: discover how to use it to get beautiful and luxuriant plants

Orchids are plants that steal the limelight in a house, a shop or a nursery: they are elegant, and the shape of their flowers is truly unmistakable. Having a healthy and luxuriant plant is a source of pride for anyone who has one at home. But, of course, orchids need constant care.
Given that in nature the most prolific orchid species are epiphytes (i.e. they do not grow in the soil, but have their aerial roots clinging to trees) and thrive in tropical climates (that are very different to replicate at home), presents some challenges . So, orchid cultivation tips are always welcome: such as using garlic.

Yes, that's right! Garlic can be useful in the care of our beloved orchids.
To combat bacteria, fungi and insects that can threaten the health of our orchids, using garlic is a preventive solution you can try (of course, garlic cannot work miracles when the situation is serious, but it does help when a problem is still in its infancy). There are two ways to make use of garlic's properties:
- Using garlic powder, to make a kind of tea: you will need one spoonful of garlic powder (the powder that is used for cooking) for every 500 ml of water. Mix everything in a spray bottle, and you can spray the mixture directly on the leaves, as well as on the soil.
- Using whole cloves: in this case, you will need two cloves of fresh garlic. Remove the skins while boiling water in a pot (half a liter will do). When the water boils, remove it from the heat and put the garlic cloves in it, leaving them there overnight. Then, filter all the liquid, transferring it into a spray bottle and spray the orchid stems, and the soil.

To make a pesticide, you will need a clove of garlic, a spoonful of mineral oil (or white oil) and water.
- Take a glass jar and pour the mineral oil into it;
- Crush the garlic and put it in the oil, where you will leave it to steep for two days;
- Pour 750ml of water into a spray bottle;
- Filter the oil, transferring it into the spray bottle;
- Shake well before each use, and spray directly on the orchids.
Always pay attention to any changes in the plant: each one can react differently, so it may be necessary, especially if the leaves turn yellow, to dilute the product more.
In any case, these remedies are to be used occasionally (once a month, for example, or every three weeks), and are not to be considered as a substitute for proper fertilizers.
Have you ever tried using garlic on your orchids?