Fashion and creativity: 11 incredible tips to give new life to your standard outfits

by Mark Bennett

March 05, 2023

Fashion and creativity: 11 incredible tips to give new life to your standard outfits

There are some garments and clothes that need a touch of creativity to be revived or show off their true potential. It can happen that we have an old garment or piece of clothing has fallen out of fashion, or that we are simply just bored with.

And it can also happen that new clothes lack a certain something. That said, a simple touch of creativity (or the right make-up) is enough to transform a look in seconds.

Here, then, are some tips to bring out the potential in certain garments and giving them new life:



If you have a polo-neck sweater, you can make it less boring by wearing it inside out. Taking advantage of the width of the neck, fold it short like a crop top. The part that should hang down, instead, bring over your shoulders creating a magnificent neckline. No one will ever notice that you are actually wearing an oversized sweater.



Do you want to wear a scarf like a stole or a shawl? Knot the two ends of the scarf and put them behind your neck like if you were wearing a necklace. Then, bring the ends to the front, rolling the up behind your neck and insert your arms into the side openings that will have formed. At this point, unroll the part that you rolled up behind you, until it covers your arms and shoulders. Your new garment will be ready in no time.



To give a touch of personality to a shirt and highlight the waist, use a long necklace. Double it up and pass a scarf matching the shirt through it, in order to create a magnificent belt that you can tie around your waist.



Even wearing a simple scarf in an original way is possible. Slip it over your shoulders like a cape and leave the two ends in front, add a belt at the waist and your look will be very stylish.



To transform a blouse into a very stylish sleeveless crop top, wear the shirt upside down by inserting it at the neck from the base, through the open space between one or more buttons. Tie the sleeves behind your back like a bow and the shirt will have a completely different look in an instant.



To combat the annoying problem of sagging tights, a very clever tip is to put shorts on top of the tights to keep them in place (but without showing).



To wear a scarf as if it were a shawl, place it over your shoulders and join the edges in the center, securing them at one point with an elastic band. Postition the scarf by turning it upside down and making the knot you created go inside. Put it back on so that the knot part is on one side, on one shoulder. You will create, in an instant, a truly refined garment.



If you want to make your boots shiny again, rub them with coconut oil. You will be stunned by the results.



Tying a regular knot in the belt of your coat will make it look messy and not at all chic. Try using another technique: With one end of the belt, form a buttonhole in which you will insert the final part of the same end and form another buttonhole. Insert the other end of the belt into the second buttonhole and tie it as you would a bow. The result will be perfect.



Rolling up your sleeves without making them look rolled up is possible. All you need to do is cover the cuffs with the upper part of the sleeve itself to create an optical illusion.



You can then make a hooded vest using a normal scarf. Wear the scarf normally, leaving it hanging slightly behind the neck to create the hood. For the front, insert the ends of the scarf into your trousers, crossing them. You now just need a nice clasp to complete this fantastic look.

To see these tips in detail, you can check out the video below.
