How many ways can you use it? Discover additional uses for 10 common items

There are a lot of things that we use, in our daily lives, in a completely incorrect way or, more likely, different from how it was intended to be used.
Incorrect use of an object can become a habit and we may be completely unaware of the fact that we are doing something wrong (or missing out on some useful feature).
And this, very often, prevents us from fully exploiting the real potential of an object and from understanding its real purpose. Here below, is a list of things you might not be using properly:

We are used to putting detergent capsules in the washing machine without paying placement much attention. Few people know, however, that to be effective, the capsules should be placed on the bottom of the empty drum before putting the laundry in, otherwise they will be almost useless.

In a dishwasher, items must be placed neatly and without overloading it, because otherwise, the appliance will not function optimally.

A toilet paper roll, both for a matter of practicality and for hygiene, must be placed on the roll holder, making the external side face outwards and not the other way around (as many do).

Hair pins/grips were originally designed to make the wavy part of them grip the scalp, in order to hold the hair and not move. It is not clear why they are used, currently, in the opposite way by practically everyone.

The second hole on the tab of a can was created to hold a straw in place. However, not many people are aware of this.

The hole in the spaghetti ladle is there to measure out the right amount of spaghetti for one person's portion. But does anyone know this?

And would anyone ever suspect that the two side holes in the iconic All Stars sneakers were created for other laces to pass through them? But that's their function, even if nobody uses them.

Another unused hole is the one on the handle of the pots. Apparently, it's there to keep the wooden spoon upright while cooking.

The two-part eraser was born with the intention of erasing both pencil and ink. The blue part is intended to eliminate pen marks. However, not everyone knows this.

Finally, deodorant - which everyone uses only on the armpit area - was supposedly created to deal with sweat and unpleasant odors on other areas of the body where sweat is produced. Did you know this?
How many of these little "secrets" did you already know about?