All you need is a little imagination: 12 ingenious ideas to make your daily life easier

The frenzy of modern life often leads us to looking for ways to simplify our lives or to save time. If you are creative enough, you will certainly have looked up tips to improve your experience at home or at work. There are many moments in which a little creativity helps us to go faster or simply to feel better about ourselves. The internet is full of sites showing so-called "life hacks": i.e. ingenious solutions to small, common problems.
Certainly you already use some of these in your daily life, but below is a list of 12 more that you can consider adding:
1. Bad smells absorbers

Women's sanitary pads are excellent odor absorbing and anti-smell insoles for your shoes.
2. Resealing bags

If you've opened a bag of chips or popcorn but haven't finished it, you can easily reseal it without using pegs, clips or rubber bands. Simply fold the top of the bag over several times, fold over the corners and turn the folded side over. Your bag will be perfectly sealed.
3. Brushes in a suitcase

If you have to go on a trip and you have very little space in your suitcase for your hair brush (or you simply don't want to risk that your brush arrives at its destination with its bristles damaged), you can put it inside a shoe: you will save space and you will have the certainty that it is well protected from being crushed!
4. Anti-drop pencil

Are you tired of having pencils with broken leads? To avoid this inconvenience you must prevent them from rolling off the desk every time you put them down. You can do this very simply by attaching an elastic band or rubber to the end or by securing it with a document clip.
5. Stain-resistant wrap

You know those annoying tomato stains, which are deposited inside plastic containers? You can avoid them by applying plastic wrap to the container before closing the lid.
6. Nuts and bolts in their place

If you have to store or transport a piece of furniture (or similar), you will almost certainly have to disassemble it first. So, what should be done with the nuts and bolts (and other items)? Simple: just put them in a plastic bag and secure them to the piece - it will be impossible for them to get lost now!
7. Burgers

Are you also annoyed by the pieces of meat, cheese and vegetables that constantly fall out of your sandwiches? The solution is simple: take a lettuce leaf and use it to wrap the contents of the sandwich: when you eat it, the leaf will act as a container for all the fillings.
8. Decorative lights

You can hang decorative lights in a room using shower hooks clipped onto the curtain rod.
9. Coat hook

Do you enter a public bathroom and notice that there is no hook to hang up bags and coats? You can solve the problem by jamming a set of keys above the door.
10. Seasoning

To add flavor to your dishes, you can prepare chopped herbs and freeze them in practical, single portions to be used as needed. You can also use this tip for homemade sauces, soups and preserves.
11. Alternative ice

To keep your drinks cold, use frozen grapes or other pieces of fruit: they will prevent any ice from melting and watering down the drink!
12. Reusable bucket

If you have to paint something - especially if you plan to use different colors - place a plastic bag inside the paint bucket: it will save you from washing it, while ensuring that it will save you time when you change colors.
What tips and tricks do you use in your daily life?