11 wonderful decorations to make using painted pine cones

Usually, pine cones are key elements of seasonal decorations, especially those around the winter holidays. Their shape, even their smell, immediately reminds one of the festive season. But what if could be used as flowers for summer, too?
It is certainly possible: just clean them properly, then separate them into their parts (where possible) and recombine them to make, for example, a flower! And of course, a bit of paint will complete the job. With a little skill, it's amazing how many three-dimensional and colorful decorations and pictures can be made using simple pine cones!
If we think about a wreath of pine cones, we immediately imagine them displayed on a door during the Christmas holidays. But when pine cones are used to make flowers, this decoration is suitable for any time of the year.
You can go wild in terms of using colorful paints, and use a rigid circle (made of wood or cardboard) as a backing frame!
Once you are familiar with the various shapes of pine cones and the flowers that can be made from them, it is nice to combine them into a mosaic like this.
But even the simplest jobs using a few flowers and with stems made of sticks (all fixed to a wooden panel) can be very charming.
These displays, of various shapes and sizes, are a very nice way for decorating any home, and could also become wonderful gifts.
A wooden plank, maybe ones left over from a pallets, is a perfect background for pinecone crafts.
When you find intact pine cones that have not yet opened fully, they can be made to resemble chrysanthemums or dahlias.
Flowery panels with a rustic taste, and with a truly delicate touch. An infinite number of these can be created and they will all be unique.
There is no shortage of ideas that use pine "flowers" in vases or other similar containers.
And adding leaves, perhaps artificial ones, will allow you to create an extraordinary picture.
And if you wanted to create a unique, fascinating artwork, you could combine wood, pasta, pine cones and paint!
Do you like projects using pine cones?