Traveling light: a handy tip to avoid having unnecessary weight in your suitcase

Traveling is one of the most wonderful experiences in the world - one that we hope to enjoy and look forward to. But this also involves a whole series of limitations that sometimes get really annoying - especially when it comes to luggage. No one wants to lug around bulky suitcases or backpacks, but sometimes, even if we wanted to, travel regulations make this impossible. We are referring to the limits imposed on luggage by airlines these days. But travelling lighter does not necessarily mean giving up on packing those things we want.
Given this, some travel tips about luggage can be useful. For example, there's a tip that maybe not everyone knows about regarding the carrying of liquid beauty products (like face creams, for example).

This tip is demonstrated on the cleantoxmexico account on Instagram, and it is really something that could become indispensable for many - especially if the journey to be undertaken is relatively short.
As we said, this is a useful expedient when we have to carry liquid products for our faces with us (such as a tonic, or a make-up remover or even micellar water), which we usually apply using cotton pads/discs. Of course, there are mini-sizes of these products in small bottles that can go through the security checkpoint without any problems and are still handy for any type of travel - but what if it were possible to avoid even taking these?
You could find the solution in an air-tight transparent plastic bag, just like the ones in which we put liquid products to be inspected before boarding a plane. Make sure it has a perfect seal, the kind that don't let one drop of liquid spill out.
All you have to do is impregnate some cotton disks with the necessary product, and insert them inside the bag, close it and voilà: a thin, compact and light package, with the disks ready for use. There is no need to bring any bottles with you now. Check out how easy and practical this trick is in the Instagram video.
Come to think of it, this technique can also be used for nail polish remover if you want. In short, this works for any product which is applied using cotton disks. A bag for each type of product will leave you with more room for your holiday souvenirs!