8 brilliant tips to try and treasure forever

Everyday life can be full of challenges that put us to the test. There are many tasks and chores we have to do and it's always good to learn about any pointers that could make these jobs easier.
In this regard, there are many tips that could be employed but which not everyone knows about. There are some tips that are learned in a few minutes but which can be useful for a lifetime. We show you some of these below:
1. Remember the important things

To remind yourself if you have performed and important routine action (such as turning the key and pulling it out of the lock), try saying a memorable phrase or nursery rhyme as you perform the task. You will certainly be more likely to remember.
2. Spreading hard butter

To spread hard butter on your bread, consider grating it first.
3. Holding in a sneeze

Sometimes, you have to hold back a sneeze because you find yourself in a situation where it would create embarrassment. Put a finger at the base of your nose, applying pressure. Your need to sneeze will be suppressed.
4. Thread a needle easily

If you are unable to thread a needle, you can help yourself with a small brush. Place the thread on the bristles so that it is clearly visible. Then put the eye of the needle on the thread and use another needle to pull the thread through the eye.
5. Stop hiccups

To make the hiccups go away, drink water in small, repeated sips. After a while, you may notice that your need to hiccup will pass.
6. Unblock your ears

To pop your ears when the pressure changes (in airplanes, tunnels or climbing mountains, for example), try simulating yawning. Your blocked ears problem will instantly improve.
7. Avoid losing your keys or phone from your pockets

If you want to avoid losing your keys or phone - perhaps when you go for a run - put an elastic band on the inside of your pocket. With the elastic tied tightly, you'll be sure your small items aren't going anywhere.
8. Breathe properly while lying down with a blocked nostril

To be able to breathe properly while laying down with a blocked nostril, try to lay on the side opposite to that of the blocked nostril and slightly raise your head on two or three pillows.
Which of these tips have you already tried?