Pour oil without having an accident: use the tab tip

Pouring the oil from a bottle seems like a very easy task, but sometimes, it can end in disaster: there are some bottles of oil that have a dispenser in the opening, visible when we unscrew the lid; other bottles, however, lack this feature. And with the latter type, it can happen that we end up pouring far too much oil into a pan.
An alternative is to use a spoon, but this is more cumbersome and takes more time. Some readers will say "but don't you know about the pull-tab?". Well, not everyone knows about this tip. Read on to find out more about this tip:
via sorridiincucinaconmanu/Instagram

The plastic bottles that contain various types of seed oil are usually equipped with a tab. We find this as soon as we unscrew the lid: it's the object with a ring to pull that detaches it from the bottle itself.
Many believe that this plastic tab is just a seal, to conserve the oil and prevent it from spilling before the lid is opened. And certainly, that is its primary function. But the tab also performs another function: it becomes a filter that allows you to measure out the amount of oil poured.
All you have to do, once you have detached the tab, is turn it upside down and insert it securely back into the lid's opening. Now you will have a flat plastic disc in the opening, which does not quite reach the edges: it is precisely in this way that you can regulate the pouring of the oil.
You can see how very simple it is in this video from smileincucinaconmanu's account on Instagram. A useful tip that will prevent nasty accidents!
If you didn't already know this trick, it's certainly worth trying it in the future!