Wash the dirt off a radiator using a jug and towels

A radiator covered in dirt and dust is not only ugly to look at, but is also less efficient at doing its job. Thus, partly for aesthetic and hygiene reasons, but also for better efficiency, it is best to take care of cleaning the radiators in the home regularly.
That said, it is not easy to clean irregularly shaped radiators. And when the time comes to do so, it is necessary to be well prepared. An easy way to clean your radiator is to use a jug and towels. Read on to find out more:

What you will need: a fairly large jug, very hot water (just be careful not to burn yourself), gloves, several towels (even if not perfectly clean), vinegar and a little dish soap. If you have some towels intended only for cleaning the house, use these.
The procedure is really easy, but since you risk making a bit of a mess, it is essential to prepare yourself properly, and this is why you need several towels.
Place the towels - except for one or two smaller ones that you will use later - both under and behind the radiator: they will be used to collect the water and dirt that drips to the floor and on the wall as you proceed with cleaning.
Fill the jug with very hot water, then add half a glass of vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Stir a little. At this point, take one of the remaining towels and tie a knot in one of its corners. Ensure that the towel now has one end that is knotted and the rest of the towel is the "tail".
Start by pouring the hot water with vinegar and soap mix on top of the radiator - but do not overdo it. Then thread the towel's knot into the radiator's slits. Move the knot up and down the length of the slit while slowing pouring the mix into it. The knot will dislodge the dirt. Tie new knots as the the previous ones get filthy.
Gradually, this will clean the entire radiator, and you can rinse off using plain water (if you want, you can add some vinegar).
Now use dry towels to dry off as much of the radiator as you can reach.
When you don't have other useful tools available, this method that can make a real difference!