12 ideas for creating an attractive, functional laundry nook

Taking care of the laundry is a chore that requires time and effort: picking up all the clothes to be washed, hanging them up to dry, dong load after load, etc. In fact, it would be ideal to be able to set up a corner in the home for everything you need to do laundry: the washing machine, detergents and the various other accessories. Even better if you had a room, a proper laundry room for this task - a fully equipped and well organized laundry room or nook.
Check out some examples of efficient laundry nooks in the photos below:
Washer and dryer side by side, and above them, a wide shelf to put your laundry on. Nothing essential is missing!
If there is room for a sink then you can't ask for more. And maybe, to get more space, a pair of appliances can be arranged stacked one on top of the other.
If you place a washing machine and dryer in a room furnished with custom-made furniture, it is worth considering getting a fold-away ironing board.
If there's space, it's a great idea to place a vertical cabinet between the appliances in which to store detergents and other items.
Even a wardrobe with sliding doors can house (and hide from view) a laundry nook complete with everything you need. Maybe in the bathroom could be feasible.
It is important to have a few laundry baskets: they speed things up a lot!
For more rustic tastes, even sturdy plastic or wooden boxes can become handy shelves for detergents.
Many baskets on several shelves: this is a configuration which is ideal for the laundry room.
When you want to hide the washing machine - or maybe just the baskets full of dirty laundry - a curtain is a cheap and effective solution.
If there isn't much space, consider hanging all the accessories (including laundry baskets) on one wall, using a pegboard.
Wall units and rods on which to hang hangers are very convenient for laundry that still needs to be ironed, or when you want hang up clothes to dry.
A bench with coat rack next to the laundry nook: a unique look for the entrance to your home!
What does your dream laundry nook look like?