Perfume the bathroom with 7 simple DIY remedies

Any room in the house, if clean and pleasantly perfumed, is much nicer to live in, but perhaps this is even more true for the bathroom. In the bathroom, smells can be a lot more "offensive". There are many factors that can generate bad smells in the bathroom, and care must always be taken to avoid them. But there are also a series of DIY remedies that can help us make the bathroom smell nice.
These remedies are quick and simple. Read on to find out about some of these:

Aromatic herbs can help perfume the whole house, and the bathroom is no exception. On the contrary, in the bathroom it is perhaps even easier to exploit the aromas of certain plants, given the higher humidity in this location.
If you have a window in the bathroom exposed to the sun, you can put pots of aromatic plants such as lavender, mint, thyme or eucalyptus on the windowsill. And the same plants are also excellent to use hanging up: use bunches of these dried herbs, and hang them behind the shower head or near the bathtub faucets. The hot steam that is produced when we wash ourselves will release the scent in the oils contained in the leaves.
Obviously, it is also possible to take advantage of the aroma of other plants, combined with spices, dried fruits or even the petals of fragrant flowers (roses, for example) in customised pot-pourri.
Laundry detergent or fabric softener

Even the water that is in the toilet cistern can help: you can pour a few drops of your favorite laundry detergent or fabric softener into it, and it will give off a very pleasant scent.
Alternatively, you can prepare your own air freshner in a spray bottle: fill it with two parts water and one part spirit vinegar (or even pure, low-quality vodka) and then add a teaspoon or two of washing liquid or laundry softener. Shake well and spray on the bathroom curtains - but without saturating them.
Essential oils

The simplest and fastest method is perhaps the most famous: pour a few drops of an essential oil of your choice inside the cardboard tube of the toilet paper roll - or on the toilet paper itself.
Additionally, you can put essential oils on a piece of cloth or cotton ball inside the trash can, and you will counteract the bad smells that emanate from these containers.
All these methods, combined with constant cleaning, the removal of damp towels and properly ventilating the bathroom will keep it smelling fresh and clean!