Want to dry your wool sweaters faster? Use these foolproof methods

Doing the laundry when it's cold outside always means allowing for longer drying times (when you can't rely on a tumble dryer). But even having dryer, there are some delicate items that we don't like to dry this way. This is the case for woollen garments, in particular. But as a result, our favorite sweaters end up spending days on the drying racks before we can wear them again.
However, there are some old, but reliable, tips that can speed up the drying process, and we detail these below:

In most cases, sweaters are not washed with a spin cycle on and are generally still soaked in water when we take them out.
The first thing to do, therefore, is to squeeze them delicately: do not wring them out, but compress the sweater in sectors, between your hands, to get out as much water as possible.
After this, equip yourself with a couple of dry towels. Spread one out on a flat surfce and place the sweater on it, spreading it out well.

At that point, you can do one of two things: either take a piece of the towel under the sweater and start rolling it all up, (so that the roll also includes the sweater itself), and then unroll it and do the same with the second towel;
Alternatively, you can cover the sweater with the second towel, and then roll it up all in one go.
In either case, try squeezing water out of the sweater as you roll it up.
Once done, where do we place the sweater to dry? All woolen garments should never be hung, neither on hangers or on the clothesline. In fact, doing so will ruin the shape of the sweater itself. You must, therefore, always lay them flat. If you do this on the drying rack, however, it could leave marks on the garment. In this case, put a thin towel underneath the sweater first.
To speed up the drying phase do the following: place the drying rack close to a heat source, reduce humidity and ventilate the room where the clothes are left to dry.
Using these steps, sweaters and woolen clothing will dry faster and remain in excellent condition!