An old-fashioned method to make stainless steel surfaces shine again

These days, there are many objects that we find at home - especially in the kitchen - which are made of stainless steel. It is the preferred cladding for many models of refrigerators, ovens and other commonly used appliances - also including trash cans too.
Furthermore, stainless steel is a material most preferred in the kitchen precisely because it is robust and easy to sanitize. But how can we keep stainless steel shiny? An old-fashioned method may have the answer:

The key is the use of a natural ingredient that is easily found all over the world: olive oil.
Olive oil is used not only to polish an already cleaned surface, but it can also remove dirt and stains, such as fingerprints, streaks of grime and other small marks that are not too old.
So, how do we use olive oil for these purposes? Sprinkle a very small amount of olive oil on a microfiber cloth, and rub, with regular movements, over the entire surface. When you're done, take a second clean, dry cloth and wipe the surface again to remove any oily residue.
In this way, the oil will remove traces of dirt, and the final polishing will leave a truly brilliant surface. This olive oil method could become your standard go-to remedy for cleaning superficial dirt from your stainless steel surfaces. And for tougher dirt, you can use other methods. One of these is a DIY spray cleaner, which you can make by mixing two tablespoons of dishwashing soap in a spray bottle with 200 ml of water and 100 ml of white vinegar.
Have you tried the olive oil method?