You can use toothpaste without a tube: here's how to do it

The toothpaste tube in the bathroom is an icon for untidiness in the bathroom. Due to its shape, it is often difficult to store in an neat way - especially when squeezed out of shape and/or the cap is too wide to allow it to be placed upside down in a tumbler.
And if this is not enough, consider the mess made by those who do not put the caps back on tubes of toothpaste properly. Then, there are those who do not squeeze out the paste from the bottom of the tube, preferring to squeeze from the center. These bad habits make toothpaste tubes the sworn enemies of those who are particular about their bathrooms.
But there is a solution to these problems which is very simple and intuitive. Find out more by reading on:
via @maizimmy/TikTok

Showing the tip on TikTok is @maizimmy, a user famous for dispensing advice on home management, cooking and household cleaning. In one video, @maizimmy provides some sage advice concerning toothpaste that anyone can safely follow.
Have you ever thought about replacing your toothpaste tube with a liquid soap dispenser?
Indeed, this can be done and it solves a lot of problems. In addition to being neater, it remedies the difficulty of estimating how much toothpaste should be used. As you may guess, all you have to do is open the dispenser, empty the contents of the toothpaste tube into it and close it again. But since toothpaste does not have the fluidity of a liquid soap, the real trick lies in diluting it with mouthwash (to obtain a more fluid gel). Check out @maizimmy's video tutorial here.
What do you think? Are you curious to give this a try?