Caring for orchids: 5 mistakes to avoid

All over the world, orchids are very popular: they are elegant and sophisticated, and their flowers are always a truly incredible sight to behold. They light up any space and are often chosen to give a touch of class to the interiors of public areas and more. And there are many people who grow orchids at home.
Taking care of orchids requires a little care, starting with a series of basic steps that can give remarkable results. There are, in particular, a number of common mistakes that must be avoided if we want our orchids to thrive. Read on to find out more:

- Too much direct sunlight: Orchids love locations with filtered light, without being exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, placing them on window sills is fine, but not if this exposes them to direct sunlight. It's best if the windows facing south-east (at least, in the northern hemisphere).
- Overwatering: One of the most common mistakes made with any plant is overwatering, especially when you're just starting out. Orchids in general (and specifically phalaenopsis - which is the most common type of orchid to grown in homes) do not like having their roots submerged in water all the time, and their water requirement is quite low. You can therefore water them using the famous "shower in the shower" (or bathtub) method only when the substrate is dry. Or you could try the ice cube method (to be placed on the mulch and not directly in contact with the roots). The important thing is that the water drains away completely from the vase before you put them back in their spot.
- Environments that are too dry: In nature, orchids live in humid habitats (and absorb water from the air). So, if your home has a tendency to be very dry, then you have to compensate. This can be done by spraying the plant with water a little from time to time (you don't need to do this very often), or by placing the pot in a tray with a few millimeters of water at the bottom. The water will evaporate slowly, keeping the stones and the plant moist.
- Closed and suffocating spaces: Orchids need environments in which there is a good circulation of air. This does not mean that they must be exposed to drafts, but that the air in the room must not be stale.
- Wrong substrate: There are packages of potting soil available which are specially mixed for orchids - usually made with pieces of bark included. This is because regular soil would suffocate the roots and hold too much water, causing root rot. With a coarse substrate that gets wet and dries quickly, however, the plants will thrive.
Ready to grow some beautiful orchids?