An impeccable home by spending only 15 minutes on each chore: it's the FlyLady method

Good housekeeping requires a high level of organization and excellent time management. Failing this, it is very easy for chores to accumulate to the point where they overwhelm us.
This is particularly inconvenient for those who work and have to concentrate all their energies on cleaning and tidying up on their days off. But the same is true for those who are at home all the time, too.
There are those who have devised a method of rigorous domestic organization to remedy this problem and optimize cleaning times. Read on to find out more:

Marla Cilley, an American woman, decided to solve the problem of doing household chores by inventing the FlyLady Method.
This is a cleaning action plan that is so simple and effective that it has become very popular. In fact, there is a website dedicatd to the method, a community and a mailing list service for its practitioners. At the root of the method is the principle that everything can be done effectively by organizing oneself and dedicating a little time to each chore.
The cardinal rule is the "15 minutes" timeslots: according to this rule, any household chore can be done without dedicating more than 15 minutes to it. With a timer in hand, the minutes spent on each task can be monitored. Each day, a set number of 15-minute chores are performed (in morning, afternoon and evening sessions).
The method proceeds by small steps, setting daily goals that are attempted only after taking care of other, critical matters. And if something cannot be done in the planned time, it is rolled over to the next day. Furthermore, for those who subscribe to the program and use the mailing list service, a small daily mission is scheduled for each day.
Working this way, the method guarantees a routine organized down to the smallest detail, and which allows you to complete all your chores. The saying "work smarter, not harder" describes this method perfectly.
Do you think this method could work for you?
Marla Cilley -