Try one of these 3 natural ways to keep bed bugs away

Bugs are one of the main enemies in our home environment, especially in autumn or when the levels of humidity are quite high. Some bugs can be easily killed, but often doing so, causes staining on our fabrics and/or a bad smell. The only practical solution is, therefore (apart from killing them), to keep them away from house altogether. That said, most bugs are harmless.
Then there are some small - but even more annoying bugs - which we commonly call "bed bugs". These can bite and cause dermatological irritations, but they also don't represent a danger to us. And in this case - apart from changing the sheets often, disinfecting the mattress with steam or alcohol and airing it out often - the best advice is to keep bed bugs away from the home itself.
Some natural substances, thanks to their scent, can help a lot in this regard. Read on to find out what these are:

- Mint: the smell of mint is very strong but we like it, it is great in repelling bedbugs. Make a mixture of water and mint essential oil (about 20 drops per liter of water), transfer it to a spray container and spray it on the critical areas. In particular, it is advisable to spray it near balconies, doors and windows.
- Onions: another sworn enemy of bedbugs seems to be the onion. In case you want to use it, prepare an infusion with water and onion, let it cool down and spray it in the areas adjacent to doors, windows and balconies. It will definitely help to prevent bed bugs from getting into the house.
- Garlic: the same goes for garlic. Prepare an infusion to be transferred, once cold, into a spray container and spray at strategic points. In both the case of garlic and onion, however, the problem might be your tolerance levels for the smell. If you don't want to use mint, then an alternative tip is to plant garlic bulbs on the balcony or on the windowsills. These should act to repell bed bugs.
Have you ever tried one of the methods?