8 times daily mishaps tried our patience

Anyone can suffer a mishap. There are incidents and accidents which, when they happen, can make our daily lives challenging.
A mishap can put us in a bad mood or cause us to take our frustration out on someone innocent. In reality, it is better to analyze why the mishap happened and try to ensure it doesn't happen again.
To prove this to you, we have decided to list a few mishaps which, however absurd, have happened (and can happen to anyone). Read on to find out more:

An knocked-over mocha of freshly brewed coffee is probably one of the most frequent and widespread daily accidents. Yet, every time this happens, being able to keep calm is really difficult.

Those who live in places where it often snows will surely have found themselves, at least once, ihaving to shovel the snow blocking the entrance to the garage or the house. This is, without doubt, an annoying chore, but should be tackled with serenity.

Breaking the toilet seat is a sometimes seen as a comical mishap but, as can be seen from the image above, it can be a danger.

And has it ever happened to you that you burn your legs while wearing ripped jeans in the sun? As an outsider, a mishap like this can make you laugh. Those who experience it firsthand, however, it's no joke.

Perhaps you have an urgent need for a lemon and the only one available has practically nothing inside but pith.

An insect trapped in nail polish that has just been applied could even seem like a new, stylistic quirk - if you look at it from a distance. Close up, however, this is a lot less attractive

And how would you react if, after longing for a pizza, you found yourself faced by something like this? One can only imagine the anger of those who were given this burnt offering.

And realizing that you have walking around with the soles of your feet exposed to the dirty streets can be very distressing. But try to stay calm - it's not the end of the world...
Have you ever had mishaps like these?