Unusual photos: 11 times perspectives deceived our eyes

by Mark Bennett

January 12, 2023

Unusual photos: 11 times perspectives deceived our eyes

There was a time when you had to wait to a while to develop a roll of film in order to find out if the photos you took turned out how you hope - but those days are long gone. Now we can see our photos immediately. And there are many times when the images captured by our cameras manage to surprise us.

It's all a matter of perspective and context: not knowing what we're looking at, our brain may register the image differently from reality. Take a look at the photos below to see what some of these images look like!



When they settle down on their bed (which is often a sofa or armchair), some cats curl up - but this one becomes a frying pan! A cast iron one, it would seem, with a burnt bottom.

ozone3030 /Reddit

ozone3030 /Reddit

Looking at this photo in a hurry, some cinephiles could mistake it for one of the scenes from the Matrix movies. But in reality, we are looking at a field of crops, seen from above.



This terrible rip in a leather sofa is actually the wake left by a boat plowing through the sea.



Yet another accident that destroyed a mobile phone's screen ... or maybe not. Here we are looking at a bathtub filled with soap and water. And even if we don't know why that water looks so dark, maybe we don't want to know...

Christina Worthington/Facebook

Christina Worthington/Facebook

This dog has become famous online as "Blackhole Ben" because he looks just like a black hole from a certain angle. Or he could be mistaken for one of those cute balls of soot you see in a Hayao Miyazaki animated films!



"I'm not sure if you were in lane 1 or lane 0." A reasonable question.



Have you ever seen travel photos taken by someone who knows how to perfectly merge together two images of the exact same place, so that a single photo shows two different moments, perhaps two seasons, or day and night? Well, this is not one of these. Here, the optical effect of the dividing line in the middle is given by the perfect alignment of the street lamps! Congratulations to this photographer.



Ever seen a block of flats as thin as a sheet of paper!



A house overlooking the ocean, a splendid sunny day and the wind sweeping over the beach. You're admiring this view from your living room window, when you realize there is a giant spider inside the lamp. And you may take you a moment before realizing that it is the shadow of the frame of the lamp itself.



Another case where perspective plays tricks, making a person look impossibly tiny.



A centaur preparing a salad.

Unusual photos like these are just a matter of perspective and camera angles!
