Deodorize upholstery, carpets, mats and rugs with simple and inexpensive products

by Mark Bennett

January 10, 2023

Deodorize upholstery, carpets, mats and rugs with simple and inexpensive products

A house that smells clean is due to many factors: not only does it help to keep the various surfaces clean - starting from the floors in the house, the sanitary fixtures in the bathroom, the worktops in the kitchen and the drains - but the fabrics present in the various rooms can also be a major factor. This includes the upholstery of sofas and armchairs, as well as the rugs and carpets on the floors.

Rugs, mats and carpets become impregnated with odors that are produced in the house - not to mention our body sweat and any other odors that come from any pets in the home. Sometimes, therefore, even if the room looks impeccable, an unpleasant smell might still be detectable. However, there are simple ways to fix this, like the one described below:



It's a really easy method, and you'll need:

  • a small bowl;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • an essential oil you like;
  • a fine mesh strainer/sieve;
  • vacuum cleaner or a soft bristled brush (like the ones you use for shoes).

Here's how to proceed:

  • Pour 150 grams of baking soda into the bowl.
  • Add 15 drops of essential oil.
  • Mix well – essential oil tends to clump, so be sure to mix thoroughly.
  • Stand with the sieve in front of the sofa (or the fabric you want to deodorize) and pour the baking soda into the sieve.
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of the scented bicarbonate all over the fabric by shaking the sieve.
  • Leave to act for half an hour (or even an hour, if necessary).
  • Vacuum to remove the powder. Alternatively, brush everything off using the brush.

Baking soda is an excellent product for absorbing bad smells, but talcum powder could also be used in a similar way (which will not need essential oil to be perfumed). Again, you could try using this method with sodium percarbonate, which also sanitizes.

However, do not leave these substances on the fabrics for too long. If you deem it necessary, however, repeat the operation after a couple of days interval. In any case, be sure to remove all the powder properly.

What's your favorite method for deodorizing your upholstery?
