It's just a matter of perspective: 12 weird photos that will make you look twice

Everyone has taken a photo which, only later, one realises has captured something strange, weird or amusing. Sometimes, cameras capture things which our eyes did not immediately notice.
Generally, weird images are created by the perspective from which a shot is taken and which distorts the real position of objects in space. And this warped perspective can create some very amusing images. Check out some funny pictures below, collected by users of the network:

This missing arm is simply due to a slit in the shoulder of the shirt, but it makes for a bizarre photo.

Is this chair facing the lawn or is it facing the water? The second hypothesis makes more sense, but just look closer for a moment and you can see it might be positioned either way!

A smiling parrot! Who knows if this photo would have had the same effect if it were shot in color.

Another chair whose actual position is confusing: it seems like the back legs are resting on the wall instead of on the floor... But then there is yet another perspective that suggests it is hanging off the wall.

In this case, it's the glass that creates the illusion. "The tinted glass gives the impression that we are flying under the sea."

Imagine that you have to exit a parking lot and, as you take the next ramp, it looks like you are about to end up in another dimension. But all it is, is a reflection in a puddle.

Hugged by tentacles. What would a footballer do with four arms?

This cow, on the other hand, has no body. It's incredible how the position of the cow's head relative to the angle of the camera lens is able to completely erase its body.

Here are two cats sitting very close to each other. But with only one tail visible, two cats are almost impossible to see at first glance.

The smallest seagull in the world.

"I had to look twice at this while I was waiting at a set of traffic lights."
These are some really funny photos! Have you ever taken ones like these?