Tennis balls and aluminum foil for the clothes dryer: a DIY tip to try

Anyone who uses a clothes dryer knows that the fabric softener sheets that go into it really go a long way to perfuming and softening your laundry as it's being dried by the appliance. And there are many other ways to use the sheets around the house, even after having used them in the dryer. However, they are an additional expense, and above all, they are not very environmentally friendly. For this reason, it is often recommended dryer owners use balls, made specifically for the appliance, which help to keep the garments separate to facilitate the circulation of air between them. In fact, these balls speed up the job and this also helps with consumption.
But if you don't have any dryer ball to hand and you want to try an equivalent DIY remedy, you could use simple tennis balls and some aluminum foil (tin foil).

You may have previously come across the advice of using tennis balls in the dryer and in the washing machine (when washing items like duvets and certain types of coats, or pillows). And maybe you've also read that you can take some aluminum foil from the kitchen, ball it up into a number of balls which are then put in the dryer.
Well, the ability of tennis balls to separate fabrics during washing and drying, along with aluminum film balls which, reduces static electricity that sometimes affects fabrics, can be combined.
Get yourself a roll of aluminum foil and cut pieces long enough to wrap each of the tennis balls that you will use - you'll need at least three per load. Use them just like you would dryer balls: in fact, you'll be able to use the balls several times, only changing the foil when it becomes damaged.
A small expense for a big advantage: it's worth a try!