Make your floors shine using an easy-to-make homemade detergent

All of us find ourselves having to clean the floors in our homes on a regular basis. And we all certainly have our favorite products - those with a pleasant scent, those that we find most effective or those that represent the best compromise between quality and price.
Have you ever thought, however, of stocking up on ingredients to prepare your own floor-cleaning detergent at home? If you find that this works for you, it could become your favorite product and maybe even help save a few pennies. Read on for a recipe you can try out:

If you have floors in ceramic or stoneware(but not those in wood, delicate materials or certain types of marble), you can try the recipe given below. You will need:
- 6 liters of water (this is generally the capacity of standard buckets, but it is always best to check). It has to be hot water, however;
- 60ml of white vinegar. Alternatively, the same amount of denatured alcohol;
- 70 grams of soda ash (laundry soda);
- 1 tablespoon of liquid dish washing soap. Alternatively, liquid Marseille soap;
If you're using dish soap that isn't scented, you can also add 20 drops of any essential oil you like.
Fill the bucket with the hot water and add the other ingredients, stirring all the time. If you have solid Marseille soap, grate it into the water, making sure it dissolves properly. Otherwise you could heat water in a cup in the microwave (two fingers will be enough) and then melt the soap into it first, then pour it into the bucket.
You could also mix the indicated ingredients together in a plastic bottle, then fill it with hot water and stir or shake to dissolve all the ingredients. If necessary, you can use this product as if it is a concentrated detergent, to be diluted in water.
There are those who also use this mixture on laminate floors, even though these should be washed with very little water.
Are you ready to give this a try?